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The staff council at Sree Krishna College serves as the principal policy-making body responsible for shaping the institution's direction. Through in-depth discussions, the council addresses a wide range of academic matters and developmental challenges, with the overarching goal of enhancing the overall growth of the institution. Additionally, the committee diligently documents the actions taken on recommendations, providing comprehensive explanations for any instances where recommendations are not implemented.

  • The principal will be its chairman
  • The secretary of the council shall be elected by the staff council
  • All HoDs are members of Staff Council


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Dr. P.S. Vijoy

Associate Professor

M.Sc, Ph.D

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Dr. A. Balu Vijayaraghavan

Assistant Professor

M. A., Ph. D.

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Dr. Ambili K.

Assistant Professor

M.A., B.Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D NET, SET, Diploma in Student Psychology

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Ms. Deepa V.G.

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., M. Phil.

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Dr. Santhosh. P.P

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., M.Ed, M. Phil., Ph. D.

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Dr. K.R. Rajesh

Assistant Professor

M.Sc, Ph.D

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Smt. Ajitha. M.U.

Assistant Professor

M.A., B.Ed

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Dr. Prasad. M.V

Assistant Professor

M.A.,NET, M.Phil(JNU).Ph.D(JNU)

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Dr. Sreeja. V. N

Associate Professor

M.Sc., PhD

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Dr. Niranjana M. R.

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., Ph. D.

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Dr. Sreeja. T.D

Associate Professor

M.Sc., Ph..D

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Dr. Lakshmi Sankar

Assistant Professor

M.A., Ph. D

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Dr. Reena. A.M.

Assistant Professor

M.A., M.E.d., Ph. D.

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Dr. Umadevi D

Assistant Professor

M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D

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Dr.Jisha S. Kumar

Assistant Professor

M. Com, Ph.D.

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Capt. Rajesh Madhavan

Assistant Professor


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Dr. Haridayal. K.S

Assistant Professor

M.A., M.P. E.d., M. Phil., PGDSM, Ph. D.

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Sri. P.K. Pradeep

Jr. Superintendent