
World Folklore Day Celebration  2019

  • 22 Aug / 2019

The Malayalam Department conducted the programme ‘World Folklore Day’ on August 22, 2019, in the Malayalam Department Library Hall (Kummini Hall) at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Seethal V.S. delivered the welcome speech, and the programme was inaugurated by Principal Prof. D. Jayaprasad. The function was chaired by the Head of the Department, Dr. Reena A.M. Felicitations were given by Mrs. Sreelatha E., Assistant Professor, Department of Malayalam. The Chief Guest, Mr. P.R. Ramesh, Director of Karinthalakkoottam and a renowned folk artist, spoke about Kerala's rich folk culture. He presented various folktales and folk songs that highlighted our cultural heritage. Mrs. Maya S. Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of Malayalam, gave the vote of thanks. The event saw active participation from many students.