
  • 22-Feb-2025

Acanthaceae- Gamopetalae   Mostly herbs, shrubs; leaves opposite decussate, exstipulate, inflorescence cymose, flowers bracteate, bracteolate, zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, hypogynous; calyx five or 4 gamosepalous, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Aizoaceae: Polypetalae Aizoaceae are annual or perennial herbs or under-shrubs, usually succulent. Leaves of Aizoaceae is simple, alternate or opposite, stipulate or not. Inflorescence cymose, or flowers solitary. ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Amaranthaceae: Monocotyledons Members of the family can be annuals or perennials    and commonly grow in saline soils. The simple leaves are sometimes succulent or hairy and are usually arranged ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Amaryllidaceae: Monocotyledons Members of the family have bulbs or underground stems, several strap- or lance-shaped leaves grouped at the base of the stem or arranged alternately along the stem, flowers usually with ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Anonaceae:  Polypetalae Annonaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly known as the custard apple family.  Most members of the Annonaceae family are evergreen trees or shrubs.Leaves are typically simple, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Apiaceae: Polypetalae Apiaceae plants have several characteristics, including aromatic leaves, hollow stems, and small flowers. The flowers are usually arranged in umbels, and the fruits are ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Araceae : Monocotyledons  Large family of flowering plants (order Alismatales) comprising more than 4,000 species in over 140 genera. The family includes many climbers and herbaceous plants as well as rooted or ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Asclepiadaceae: Gamopetalae  Plants herbs, shrubs, mostly twiners and rarely trees; leaves opposite, simple, entire margin rarely alternate; inflorescence cymose or racemose; flowers hermaphrodite, pentamerous; ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Asteraceae : Gamopetalae  The Asteraceae family, commonly known as the daisy, sunflower, or aster family, is one of the largest and most diverse families of flowering plants.   The Asteraceae family is a ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Begoniaceae: Gamopetalae  The Begoniaceae family consists of 3 genera and 1000 species of semi-succulent dicotyledonous perennial herbs with pantropic (distributed throughout the world in tropical regions) ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Bignoniaceae: Gamopetalae Plant predominently lianous, compound leaves, zygomorphic flowers, anthers connivent in pairs; numberous ovule, silique-like woody capsule, large winged seed and non-endospermic.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Boraginaceae: Gamopetalae The leaves are usually arranged alternately, are usually simple, and often have entire (untoothed) margins. The flowers are arranged in a helicoid cyme, an array that beings coiled up like a ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Brassicaceae: Polypetalae Brassicaceae also known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family, in the order of Brassicales, are the dicotyledonous-flowering plants, containing about 372 genera and approximately ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Cannaceae : Monocotyledons Glabrous, erect, sometimes giant perennial herbs from sympodial, often tuberous-thickened, starchy rhizomes; mucilage canals traversing both the rhizome and aerial stem. Leaves distichously to ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Capparaceae : Polypetalae Capparaceae comprise a great variety of woody and herbaceous life forms. The Capparaceae family is commonly recognized as a caper, a family of plants in the order Brassicales. As currently ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Caryophyllaceae : Polypetalae Caryophyllaceae also known as the pink or carnation family, is a family of flowering plants that includes about 2,500 species in 88 genera. They are found worldwide, with the highest ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Casuarinaceae: Monochlamydeae Monoecious or dioecious trees or shrubs. Branchlets slender, jointed and striate. Leaves reduced to whorls of small scales, united at base, forming many-toothed sheaths at the nodes; ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Combretaceae: Polypetalae The Combretaceae are trees, shrubs, and lianas comprising about 20 genera and 600 species. The leaves are simple, alternate or opposite, entire; stipules small or absent. The flowers ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Commelinaceae: Monocotyledons Commelinaceae are distinctive in being mostly perennial herbs with closed sheathed leaves and a trimerous, hypogynous flower with an ephemeral corolla, staminodia in some, most species with ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Convolvulaceae :  Gamopetalae Convolvulaceae also known as the bindweed or morning glory family, in the order of Solanales, is a family of dicotyledonous flowering plants, consisting of about 60 genera with ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Cucurbitaceae: Polypetalae Prostrate herb bearing tendrils; leaves palmately lobed, surface hispid; flowers pentamerous, unisexual, monoecious or less commonly dioecious; stamens five, usually less, anthers free or ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Dioscoreaceae :Monocotyledons Yam family of the flowering plant order Dioscoreales, consisting of 4 genera and 870 species of herbaceous or woody vines and shrubs, distributed throughout tropical and warm temperate ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Dipterocarpaceae : Polypetalae   Dipterocarpaceae is a family of flowering plants with 22 genera and about 695 known species of mainly lowland tropical forest trees .The species of this family are of major ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Droseraceae : Polypetalae Perennial or annual carnivorous herbs, sometimes (Aldrovanda) submerged aquatics. Primary root often suppressed; stembase with adventitious roots, sometimes with corms or root tubers. Leaves ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Ebenaceae: Gamopetalae  Absence of milky sap., unisexual flowers, stamens twice as many corolla – lobes, multilocular superior ovary, ovules bitegmic and typically in pairs, styles two to eight.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Eriocaulaceae: Monocotyledons Pipeworts are perennial wetland herbs with grass-like, tapering leaves that have parallel veins and conspicuous cross-veinlets. The roots also have conspicuous ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Fabaceae : Polypetalae Fabaceae, also known as the legume family, is a large and diverse group of flowering plants including trees, shrubs, and herbs, characterized by their compound, stipulate leaves and unique pod-like ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Gentianaceae: Gamopetalae Plants herbs or sub-shrubs, branching dichotomous, leaves opposite, decussate, exstipulate; monochasial or dichasial cyme; flower actinomorphic hermaphrodite, hypogynous; calyx and corolla 4-5, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Lamiaceae: Gamopetalae Sweet aromatic smell due to essential oils present in sessile glandular hairs; stem rectangular in cross section, leaves opposite decussate rarely alternate, simple, exstipulate with hairs; ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Lecythidaceae : Polypetalae It is a family of flowering trees that belongs to the order Ericales. Lecythidaceae is a family of flowering trees found primarily in tropical regions .Within Lecythidaceae, there are four ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Lemnaceae: Monocotyledons Floating or submerged perennial herbs without roots or with unbranched rhizoids; leafless, monoecious; flower unisexual, naked; staminate flower with one or 2 stamens; pistillate flower with ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Lentibulariaceae: Gamopetalae Lentibulariaceae are herbaceous, terrestrial, epiphytic or aquatic carnivorous plants. The leaves can be alternate, scattered on stolons or whorled in rosettes, entire or divided, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Loganiaceae: Gamopetalae Trees, shrubs, woody climbers, or herbs, sometimes epiphytic, sometimes with axillary spines or tendrils. Leaves opposite, occasionally alternate, rarely verticillate, fasciculate, or in a whorl; ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Loranthaceae: Monochlamydeae Distinctive features: Parasitic vines; leaves opposite, decussate; inflorescence solitary or fasciculate spikes or racemes, sometimes a laxly branched panicle; flowers usually bisexual, in ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Lythraceae : Polypetalae The Lythraceae family, also known as the loosestrife family. Lythraceae family is found in temperate and tropical regions, mainly in wet habitats. The petals being crumpled in the bud and the ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Magnoliacaeae : Polypetalae Magnoliacaeae family consist of trees, shrubs, or woody vines (lianas) The leaves are usually distichous, simple, and exstipulate The inflorescence is a solitary flower or cyme. The flowers ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Malpighiaceae : Polypetalae It  is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the Malpighia family.Plants are typically trees or shrubs, but some species can be woody vines or herbaceous plants .The leaves are ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Melastomataceae : Polypetalae This large, pantropical family is particularly well represented in tropical South America. In Australia the family is restricted to the tropical north and east, extending south to northern ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Menispermaceae: Polypetalae Mostly woody vines – lianas, dioecious; flowers trimerous, unisexual; double whorls of sepals and petals; curved seed.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Moraceae : Polypetalae Moraceae is a family of mostly tropical trees containing 37 genera and about 1100 species. The most important genus, both in terms of numbers and benefit to humans, is Ficus. The family is ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Musaceae: Monocotyledons Plants large herbs with false stem, or trees, leaves large, compound inflorescence with large often petaloid bracts; Flower zygomorphic, hermaphrodite or unisexual, perianth 3+3, petaloid, often ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Myrsinaceae : Gamopetalae Annual, perennial herb, [shrub, tree], glabrous or occasionally hairy, sometimes glandular, resin canals sometimes obvious as dark dots or streaks on stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits. Leaf are ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Nyctaginaceae: Monochlamydeae Flowers open in late afternoon; flowers mostly hermaphrodite rarely diclinous, actinomorphic, usually subtended by an involucre of separate or united brightly coloured bracts or sepaloid ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Nymphaeaceae : Polypetalae It is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera ...

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Onagraceae : Polypetalae The Onagraceae are a family of flowering plants   known as the willowherb family or evening primrose family. They include about 650 species of herbs, shrubs and ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Orchidaceae : Monocotyledons It is  the largest and most evolved family of the flowering plants comprises 25,000 to 35,000 species under 750 to 850 genera [1–3]. They are virtually found in all regions around ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Oxalidaceae : Polypetalae It is a  wood sorrel family, are a small family of five genera of herbaceous plants, shrubs and small trees, with the great majority of the 570 species in the genus Oxalis (wood sorrels). ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Pandanaceae : Monocotyledons   Pandanaceae includes trees, shrubs, lianas, vines, epiphytes, and perennial herbs. Stems may be simple or bifurcately branched, and may have aerial prop roots. The stems bear ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Pedaliaceae: Gamopetalae Herbs with opposite leaves, and mucilage containing glandular hairs; flowers zygomorphic, hoypogynous; calyx and corolla 5, fused, corolla bilabiate; stemens 4, epipetalous, sometimes 2; carpels ...

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Piperaceae: Monochlamydeae The leaves of Piperaceae, which have a pungent flavour, grow singly. The numerous flowers, lacking sepals and petals, are crowded in dense spikes. Piper species are mostly shrubs, woody vines, ...

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Plumbaginaceae : Polypetalae It is also known as the leadwort or plumbago family, is a family of flowering plants that includes about 320 species in 24 genera. They are found worldwide, with the highest diversity in the ...

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Polygonaceae: Monochlamydeae Mostly herb, climbing, leaves stipulate ochrea intrapetiolar, sheathing, swollen nodes; racemose, flowers small, crowded, di-trimerous, hypogynous, hermaphrodite, polyphyllous in two whorls; ...

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Pontederiaceae : Monocotyledons Plants floating aquati herbs, leaves 1/2 alternate, with spongy inflated petiole; flowers hermaphrodite, hypogynous, zygomorphic; perianth petaloid, connate; stamens 6(3 + 3); carpels 3, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Portulacaceae: Polypetalae It is also known as purslane family, in the order of Caryophyllales, is a family of Dicotyledoneae flowering plants, only containing the genus Portulaca Linn. according to the APG system, with ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Rhamnaceae : Polypetalae The Rhamnaceae are distinctive in being trees, shrubs, lianas, or rarely herbs with simple, spiral or opposite leaves, unisexual or bisexual, perigynous to epiperigynous flowers, the ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Rhizophoraceae : Polypetalae The Rhizophoraceae is a family of tropical and subtropical flowering plants. It includes around 147 species distributed in 15 genera. Under the family, there are three tribes, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Rosaceae : Polypetalae Rosaceae, the rose family of flowering plants composed of some 2,500 species in more than 90 genera. The family is primarily found in the north temperate zone and occurs in a wide variety of ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Rubiaceae : Gamopetalae   The fourth largest family of flowering plants, with 600–650 genera and more than 13,000 species. A predominantly tropical family with a few genera in temperate regions; 217–220 ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Santalaceae: Monochlamydeae Plants mostly semi-parasites, flowers tetra or pentamerous; 3-5 carpellate, ovary unilocular, single basal ovule with integument reduced to one or absent and the seed without a seed-coat.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Sapotaceae: Gamopetalae Trees and shrubs with laticiferous vessels; Leaves, flowers and fruits often clothed with hairs; flower hermaphrodite, hypogynous, actinomorphic; sepals 2-8 in two isomerous whorls or 5 in one ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Scrophulariaceae : Gamopetalae Plants mostly herbs; leaves alternate or opposite, exstipulate; flowers zygomorphic and hypogynous, hermaphrodite; calyx gamosepalous; corolla gamopetalous; stamens four or two, if four ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Simaroubaceae : Polypetalae Simaroubaceae, the quassia family lants, in the order Sapindales, comprising 25 genera of pantropical trees, including Ailanthus, or the tree of heaven. Members of the family have leaves that ...

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Solanaceae: Gamopetalae Plants herbs, shurbs rarely trees; leaves alternate, flowers solitary or in cymes; axillary or terminal; flowers pentamerous, actinomorphic, hypogynous, hermaphrodite, calyx persistent, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Sterculiaceae : Polypetalae The Sterculiaceae are trees, shrubs, or herbs comprising about 65 genera and 1,000 species that are further characterized by the presence of stellate hairs. The leaves are alternate and simple ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Tiliaceae : Polypetalae Leaves simple, stipulate; flower hermaphrodite, hypogynous, actinomorphic, stamens indefinite sometimes 5 to 10; carpels 2 to indefinite, syncarpous, axile placentation; fruit capsule or drupe.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Ulmaceae : Monochlamydeae The Ulmaceae are distinctive in being trees with simple, often distichous, serrate, oblique leaves, the secondary veins terminating at teeth, the flowers small, unisexual or bisexual, ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Urticaceae : Monochlamydeae The Urticaceae family, commonly known as the nettle family, is a group of flowering plants that includes about 60 genera and over 2,000 species.  Most members of the Urticaceae family are ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Violaceae : Polypetalae Violaceae is a family of flowering plants  consisting of about 1000 species in about 25 genera. It takes its name from the genus Viola, the violets and pansies. Older classifications such as ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Zingiberaceae: Monocotyledons  Presence of aromatic oils, ligule, marked differentiation of perianth into calyx and corolla, single stamen and large usually petaloid staminodium.

  • 22-Feb-2025

Pteridophytes Pteridophyta (Gr, Pteron = feather, phyton = plant), the name was originally given to those groups of plants which have well developed pinnate or frond like leaves. Pteridophytes are cryptogams (Gr. kruptos ...

  • 22-Feb-2025

Gymnosperms Gymnosperms are the plants that are most ancient vascular, flowerless, seed-producing, and can reproduce through an exposed seed or ovule.Sexual reproduction is of oogamous type.They are perennial and show ...